You may be pondering where to go on your next vacation, since it's getting close to summertime in the northern hemisphere. Let's take a look at what your interests are and see what places you might consider.
Many people never consider buying any form of travel insurance and many just figure it is an unjustified expense. Young people subconsciously feel they are invulnerable, but a lot of older people realize that they or their close relatives are living a more fragile existence and that the chances of some health crisis popping up are greatly increased, so they do consider getting insurance, in case they need to cancel their trip.
But there is one type of travel insurance that is increasingly becoming more important in this day and age.... According to Neill Drake, who leads photo workshops on voyages to the Antarctic, the value of your experience in Antarctica doesn't hinge on the quality or quantity of your photos when you get home, and ten good photos will always be better than one hundred mediocre ones. It is better to come to a balance of taking photos and enjoying the experience of the trip.
He said "I also found I had come home with much better photos. Each photo was carefully thought out before-hand. I was studying the light, the lines, and the behaviors of the wildlife to get the right shot. It showed both in the quality of my photos and the quality of my experience. Below you will find his 10 suggestions for a photography packing list. I had a meeting today with the sales rep for the Antarctic air-cruises and he asked me how he could help. I told him he could help by getting more space on their tours! As of October 31, of the 1,924 berths available for the 2018-2019 departures, 1,914 of them were already booked. For the 2019-2020 season the have a new ship coming on board and he told me it was already almost sold out for January 2020 departures!
Why are they so popular? |
AuthorJim has been an agent for over 20 years and has specialized in South America for much of that time Archives
April 2024