586 species of birds have been recorded in the area of Cristalino and Alta Floresta and more are still being found. Since this is about 50% of the total of species in the Amazon region, it is a hotbed for birders. Experts estimate that the Cristalino area contains some 2,000 species of butterflies and moths, though the list of registered species currently stands at 1,576. |
the endemic white-whiskered spider monkey (Ateles marginatus), feline night monkey (Aotus infulatus), capuchins (Sapajus apella), red-handed howler (Alouatta discolor), red-nosed saki (Chiropotes albinasus), the rare snethlage’s marmoset (Mico emiliae) and orabassu titi monkey (Callicebus moloch). Of these, the capuchins, spider monkeys, sakis and howlers are commonly sighted.
Another reason for going there is because of it's proximity to the northern Pantanal and it's treasure-trove of easily seen animal species. In order to get to Cristalino, you have to fly to Cuiaba, and then on to Alta Floresta. Cuiaba is also the airport used to access northern Pantanal lodges, so it is very easy to combine the two areas. The only problem is that Cristalino Lodge is very popular, so it is sometimes hard to find space there! |