Many clients do not know that this is such a rich area that can keep any visitor interested for almost a week and still find things to explore! Besides the regular circuit around the peninsula, there are
- Wildlife navigations -Dolphins (Jan & March) and Commerson´s dolphins (Nov to March)
- Penguins!!!
- estancias and lodges with plenty of activities: wildlife observation, horse rides, navigations, estancia experience, birdwatching, hikes.
- Prestigious museums: Egidio Feruglio Paleontological Museum (Dinosaurs) and Eco Centro, off Puerto Madryn.
- Snorkeling off Puerto Madryn! This is a superb experience for adults and children alike
- Discover the rich Welsh Heritage in the area and cookery classes to master the art of the Welsh pastries
- Visit the Lower Chubut River valley, a green and rich agricultural area, product of the Welsh immigrants.
Season: Year round.
Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) return to the coast in late August and September after five months at sea (from May to September). The male arrives first to repair the nest, generally the same one every year. At the beginning of September, the females arrive at the colony and courtship begins with many types of visual and vocal displays. After a short courtship, breeding takes place. The pair excavates the nest, taking turns, at this difficult task.
Season: Mid September through March
The Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) is another attraction of Valdes Peninsula. Males attain a length of about 21 feet and a weight of 770 pounds, making them the largest seals on Earth.
Elephant seals are gregarious animals named for their size and for the male's inflatable, trunk-like snout.
Season: Year round.
Fitz Roy Dolphins or Peale ́s Porpoise (Lagenorhynchus australis), which form large schools, also frequent the peninsula. They frequently offer a remarkable show jumping over the surface of the sea and making pirouettes together
Commerson’s dolphins are generally found in group of 2 to 10 animals, riding ocean and coastal waves and the bow waves of vessels. They may interact with southern sea lions.
the Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena Australis) comes to the larger gulfs of Valdes Peninsula: from May to December (winter and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere). Their low speed, gregarious habits and coastal behavior made them very easy prey for whale catchers even with rudimentary weapons. Buoyant when dead, due to their high content of fat which yields large quantities of oil, made them a very prized catch and the "right" whale to hunt, from which their common name was derived. The total length of the Southern Right Whales is about 48 feet; they can weigh up to 50 tons. Like other whales species, the right whales look for calm and shallow waters to mate, give birth and to raise their calves.
Season: Mid July – Mid December.
Orcas (Orcinus Orca) are considered the most important marine predators. They come during February and March to feed on the young seal pups, which venture close to the shoreline. Punta Norte Orcas fish on sharks, sea salmon and elephant seals. When females come to Caleta they are often seen stranding intentionally, even though there is no prey in the area. This is so that they can teach their calves, which generally follow and mimic their mothers until adulthood.
Orcas can be seen here twice a year: Oct / Nov (mostly in Caleta) and Mar / May in Punta Norte.